Legal Drama Unfolds: Special Counsel Criticizes Hunter Biden’s Attempt to Dismiss Tax Charges

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The legal drama surrounding Hunter Biden’s attempt to dismiss tax charges has escalated as Special Counsel David Weiss rebukes his efforts, labeling them as a “conspiracy theory” and a “house of cards”. Weiss, in his response to Hunter Biden’s motions to dismiss the nine tax-related charges, highlighted inconsistencies in Biden’s claims and used his own words against him, emphasizing the fair and evenhanded administration of federal criminal laws.

Hunter Biden’s Defense and Special Counsel’s Response

Hunter Biden filed multiple motions seeking the dismissal of the tax charges, alleging selective prosecution and expiration of the statute of limitations on one charge. Additionally, Biden argued that the immunity stipulation in a previous plea deal remained in effect, accusing prosecutors of attempting to backtrack on the agreement. However, Weiss’ office countered these claims, stating that it was Hunter Biden who walked away from negotiations after proposed changes were made following the breakdown of the initial plea deal.

Unraveling Plea Deal and Ongoing Investigation

The legal proceedings took a dramatic turn when a revised plea agreement between Hunter Biden and prosecutors was not accepted by the judge during a court hearing, putting the deal on hold. The plea deal involved Hunter Biden pleading guilty to two tax charges with prosecutors recommending probation as a sentence. However, concerns were raised about potential constitutional issues linked to resolving a felony gun charge alongside the tax plea agreement.

Political Implications and Continuing Investigations

The investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax charges has been ongoing for nearly six years, spanning both the Trump and Biden administrations. Republican-led congressional committees have scrutinized Hunter Biden’s finances as part of an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, with allegations of preferential treatment being raised by IRS whistleblowers. Despite these challenges, Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty to all charges and continues to maintain his innocence amidst the legal battles.


The legal battle surrounding Hunter Biden’s tax charges has intensified with Special Counsel David Weiss criticizing his attempts to dismiss the charges. The back-and-forth between Hunter Biden’s defense team and Weiss’ office underscores the complexity of the case and its political implications. As investigations continue and legal proceedings unfold, the outcome of this high-profile case remains uncertain

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