
cost of Living  : $450 - $500

The average cost of living in Malaysia for a single person ranges between $450 to $500 per month, depending on lifestyle choices and location. This estimate includes expenses such as accommodation, food, transportation, utilities, and personal expenses.

The cost of living in Nicaragua is very affordable, making it an attractive destination for expats and retirees. Housing costs, utilities, and food prices are notably lower compared to the United States. On average, a couple who owns their home in Nicaragua can expect monthly expenses ranging from $800 to $1000 USD



The cost of living in Vietnam varies depending on factors such as location, accommodation, lifestyle, and personal preferences. On average, basic living expenses in Vietnam can range from $500 to $1,000 per month.

The cost of living in Spain, USD, ranges from approximately $800 to $1000 per month. This range can vary based on factors like location, lifestyle choices, and whether one is a digital nomad, retiree, or long-term resident. 


The cost of living in Mexico varies depending on factors like location and lifestyle choices. On average, a single person can expect to spend between $600 to $1,000 per month in Mexico.


The cost of living in Indonesia varies depending on the location and lifestyle choices. On average, a single person can expect to spend around $500 per month for a modest lifestyle in Indonesia.


The cost of living in the Philippines for a single person is approximately $600 to $1,000 per month, depending on the lifestyle and location. This estimate covers expenses like rent, groceries, utilities, transportation, healthcare, and entertainment.



The cost of living in Ecuador is relatively low, making it an attractive destination for expats and retirees. A person can live comfortably for less than $1000 per month


he cost of living in Cambodia is relatively low, making it an attractive destination for expats and retirees. A single expat living in Phnom Penh can expect to spend around $1000 per month,